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Real Estate Services in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México.

Maralto Residencial, Residential lots in Mazatlán House in Maralto Residencial 1812, Mazatlán

About Mazatlan

Retired couple on a beach of Mazatlan

There are a million reasons to retire in Mazatlan, but why not start with just Six.

Whether you are young and single and love the party scene or a more mature, family oriented person, Mazatlan's warm weather and equally warm people will light up your soul while you experience quality living at prices well below major U.S. and Canadian cities and certainly at a fraction of the cost of Hawaii or the beaches of California, Florida or the Caribbean. Enjoy so much, but peso little.

distances in flight hours from Mazatlán

Not so far away from home

Mazatlan is relatively close to the border. You can drive to Nogales (or vice-versa) in 12 hours, although leisurely motorists tend to stop overnight halfway. By bus it's 16 hours. By air, it's a scant 2 hours to Phoenix or Houston, 2 ½ hours to Los Angeles, less than 3 to Denver or Salt Lake City. All those are hubs for further travel on Mexicana, America West, Continental, AeroMexico, Alaska, Delta, Frontier the airlines that serve Mazatlan.

A place of traditions and substance

Yachts in La Marina Mazatlan

This is an old seaport city where many people trace their ancestry back 4 and 5 generations. Mazatlecos grow up seeing and welcoming strangers with a smile and a friendly hola.

We fiercely hold onto such traditions as our street parades and our Carnaval, said to be the third largest in the world.

Facade of the Angela Peralta Theater in Mazatlan

The Angela Peralta Theater, faithfully restored to its 1860's glory in 1992, brought about a renaissance in the surrounding neighborhood, a historic quarter full of Neoclassical buildings. Mazatlan is the only beach resort in Mexico with an opera house suitable for symphony, chamber music, grand opera, jazz and rock concerts, ballet all the performing arts. And over the course of the year, they all appear here.

Enjoy the weather all year round

Pool in a Mazatlan Condominium

Being just 15 miles south of the Tropic of Cancer, Mazatlan is in the same latitudes as the Hawaiian Islands and the southern Bahamas. Enjoy tropical conditions with dry, moderate winters and warm, wet summers. The average temperature year round is 77°F.

Across-cultural way of life

Golf course in El Cid Mazatlan

Being a beach resort, the local tourist industry hotels, restaurants, cocktail lounges, nightclubs, golf and deep sea fishing facilities and other visitor services is set up to deal with English-speaking customers. Also, among the 3,500 American and Canadian retirees already living here, various social groups have formed to network and to do voluntary community work.

A lower cost of living

Served table in Mazatlan restaurant

Retirees living here find that their pensions go one third farther than back home. You can still get a cart full of groceries for less than $50, and household help is reasonable and available. When did you last pay $3.50 for a movie ticket? Being a big city, Mazatlan has a good transportation system with bus fares running about 70 cents, taxis around $4 or $5 for most trips around town. You don't really need a car.

Reasonably priced health care

The Sharp Hospital in Mazatlan

Health Care is available and reasonably priced. Among others, The Sharp Hospital, modeled after the one in San Diego, is up to big-city standards in the U.S. Sharp is where the cruise lines sailing the Mexican Riviera send their ailing employees, and local dentists take care of their teeth. No wonder: prices in the city hospitals are much lower than north of the border for high quality treatment. Some doctors even make house calls!

"Come down to Mazatlan and check it out for yourself."

More about Mazatlan:



Real Estate in Mexico

Rules of the Game

All to often, citizens of the United States, Canada, and other countries, assume that property purchases in Mexico are carried out automatically in a manner similar to their native countries. The first rule of any property purchase in Mexico is, Never Assume Anything! Purchasing property in Mexico is not the same as in other parts of the world.

Would you purchase property in your hometown, which is not registered in the local public registry, or land title office?

Would you hand a complete stranger, without an office or established business, a check for perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for a property?

The obvious answer to these questions is, of course not.

Then why do so many foreigners do this very thing when they purchase property in Mexico? Many do not take the time to investigate how Mexico's real estate transactions function and how the supporting legal system has responded to that industry's needs. It is essential that you have an idea of how this system works and what to expect when considering an investment in Mexico.

Mexico Real Estate Law and How it Relates to Foreign Investment

Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution regulates the ownership of its territory by establishing that "....in a zone of 100 km. (62 miles) along any border or 50 km. (31 miles) along the coast, foreign entities cannot acquire direct ownership of the land and waters". Until recently, foreign investors were allowed ownership of real-estate only outside of the "Restricted Zone".

Recognizing the demand by foreign interests for ownership of real property, and the importance of making these desirable properties available to foreigners for the potential positive impact on the economy, the Mexican government implemented a series of Foreign Investment Laws begun in 1973, Modified in 1989 and modified again in December of 1993 to incorporate the provisions of the NAFTA treaty.

Creation of the Land Trust (FIDEICOMISO)

For those who wish to acquire property for residential usage, and who have a valid entry visa, current law requires that title to the property be transferred to a Mexican bank, as trustee, in the establishment of an individual land trust.

The bank handles all of the paperwork including filing for all of the necessary permits with the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs. In general, the bank has the responsibility to the government to ensure precise fulfillment of the Trust agreement, assuming full technical, legal, and administrative supervision in protecting the interests of the beneficiary (purchaser).

The bank owns the real property rights, and the beneficiary owns the personal rights to use, rent, modify or transfer his rights to a third party. Ownership of these personal rights is evidenced through a deed prepared by a Mexican Notary, signed by the representative of the trustee bank and duly registered with local authorities.

The Foreign Investment Law of 1989 stipulates a term of 50 years for the Trust with opportunity for multiple renewals, upon filing an application with the bank. By requesting renewals every 50 years, a property may be held by a family or business entity for generations.

Since by law Mexican banks enjoy government protection against bankruptcy, the Trust is indirectly guaranteed by the government. As a practical matter, even in unrestricted zones many foreigners prefer to hold their property in Trust.

Never Assume Anything

A good understanding of the Trust issue can provide a second protection mechanism to the foreign buyer. In certain instances, the property to be purchased is located in a subdivision marketed to foreigners, for which the developer has an umbrella or Master Trust with a Mexican bank for the combined properties of the development. Many foreign investors believe it is beneficial to remain in the Master Trust, hoping to derive protection through the developer's influence in the industry and locally.

We recommend the placement of the property in an Individual Trust for which the buyer is alone responsible. This "fresh" legal basis avoids any legal or financial complications in the event the developing company declares bankruptcy or is dissolved, and allows the buyer complete freedom to advance his property's interest.

Remember, almost anybody can offer property for sale: abuses and misrepresentations are common. Mexico's real estate industry is underdeveloped, with few licensing laws regulating real estate brokerage and sales. Again, it is always wise to remember, Never Assume Anything!

Protection of the Purchasers Interest

All real estate transactions are processed through the office of a "Notario", a qualified government appointed lawyer who acts on behalf of the government to ensure the proper transfer of all real estate transactions. Among this official's many important duties is registry with the appropriate government agencies of the deed for transfer of rights of the beneficiary. This is the single most important step in protecting a foreigners investment in Mexico, since it remains the ultimate proof if ownership if a property ever becomes a question.

The purchase/sale document, which includes either deed of rights, or transfer of rights of beneficiary in a property, is generally valid between the parties to a transaction. It most likely contains a description of the property, price to be paid to the seller and any special terms or conditions of the sale. IT WILL NOT, however, provide valid notice to third parties unless it is recorded in the Public Registry office of the municipality in which the property is located.

Until the buyer is formally named as a beneficiary in a public document before a Mexican Notary, title to the rights in the property remain with the last legally registered owner, which would be the seller. While the seller holds title to the property it is his asset; he may mortgage it or sell it again; it may be attached in satisfaction of a judgment; he may die without a will. In such a situation, there may not be any remedy for the purchaser who neglected to correctly register his deed - his interest, his investment may be lost.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. While it was once true, times have changed. Prior to 1973, foreigners were not allowed to hold legal title or exercise direct rights to real property in an area within 64 miles of Mexico's borders and 32 miles of its coasts. But laws passed in 1973 and 1993 have made it possible for foreigners, foreign firms and Mexican firms with foreign participation to acquire interests in coastal real estate through a bank trust (Fideicomiso).
Three parties. The seller of the property is the Trustor. The bank is the Trustee. (Fiduciario), and the buyer, or Beneficiary (Fideicomisario).
Title to the property is transferred to a trust with a Mexican bank acting as Trustee. The Trust Agreement is formalized by the issuance of a permit from the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The lot or home buyer is designated as Beneficiary in the Trust and the beneficiary rights are recorded in the public record by a Notary Public.
The trust is a legal substitute for fee simple ownership, but in this case, the Trustee is the legal holder of the property. As Beneficiary, you have the right to sell your property without restriction. You may also transfer your rights to a third party, or pass it on to named heirs.
Yes. According to the Foreign Investment Law passed in 1993, trusts can be renewed for an indefinite number of successive 50 year periods. In effect they run in perpetuity.
Yes. If the buyer is also a foreigner, you simply assign beneficial rights. If the new buyer is a Mexican National, you can instruct the bank to endorse the title in favor of the buyer.
No. Upon application, a foreigner automatically receives his own renewal 50 year permit. This, however, is not mandatory.
Yes. Today thousands of foreign owners enjoy their ocean side resort property; many have benefited from the appreciation of their property.

Feel free to contact us with any questions that you might have!

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